Sign of the Bear COVID-19 Infection Prevention Plan
Sign of the Bear's COVID-19 Infection Prevention Measures- Plan + Guidance
Our goal is to keep everyone well- team members AND customers.
This means we * cannot safely staff at pre-COVID levels, and
* must establish the following protocols and expectations:
FIRST - by county ordinance - all team members will be required to use our paper version of the SoCOCOVID19-check.
You should ONLY report to work if:
- you and your household are really well.
- If you are ill, or anyone in your home or with whom you've spent time in close proximity is,
- please do not come in.
- If you or someone you've been close to shows COVID symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste), you must *report to sonoma county health, and also please get tested (telling your doctor you may have COVID)
Knowing risk factors:
Please use common sense and best practices to advise us of factors that may affect your safety or others'- and help us keep everyone safe.
Sonoma county now requires all employees to wellcheck before work..
Please avoid non-essential travel if possible and check CDC’s Traveler’s Health Notices prior to travel.
Depending upon the CA level of guidelines, you may also be required to quarantine after travel.
If, because of risk factors for yourself or family members living with you, it is imprudent or unsafe for you to work in retail, in contact with the general public, OR because of COVID-19 closures you must care for your children, please
- Stay home
- until such time as California's Department of Public Health or Sonoma County's determines it is again good practice for you to be here,
- Inform us in writing of your (or your family member's) physician's recommendations so we may work to:
- help you stay safe and well, and
- work to do what we can to ensure you get any such benefits as are available under FFCRA.
If you feel unwell, please stay home --
and get prompt medical advice if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or recent loss of taste or smell.
If you are out ill with fever or respiratory symptoms,
please get medical advice and
advise us immediately should you test positive for COVID-19, so we may alert the team of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace, and disinfect our store and work areas.
Whether or not you have (or have been tested for) COVID-19)
do not return to work after your illness until both of the following occur - At least three full days pass with no fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and no acute respiratory illness symptoms; and
- At least 10 days pass since the symptoms first appeared.
- Once you return to work following an illness, please
- Promptly report any recurrence of symptoms. (and again,
- Please stay home when you're ill and until it's been 3 days fever -free (as above)
While at work:
Maintain at least 6 feet distance between persons when possible.
Wear a cloth face covering, for which you may use your own OR one of the blue 3-layer or basic black fabric masks we have purchased for you
Routinely clean and disinfect commonly touched objects and surfaces here: door knobs, handrails, telephones, keyboards, any machines, faucets, and doors...
Use our Lysol disinfectant spray that's EPA-approved (777-66) for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 (or Clorox, similarly EPA approved).
Should you find and be able to purchase EPA-registered disposable wipes for our team to wipe down commonly used surfaces before use, Sign of the Bear will reimburse (and thank) you. We have been unable to find these available.
We will need to clean surfaces regularly, and :
Have a team member checking at the door that all Customers must
- Sanitize their hands at the door BEFORE they enter.
- Gloves are not an alternative.
- All customers over the age of 2 must wear Sonoma-County-mandated face coverings
we must ALL regularly wash our hands AND/ OR use disinfectants.
- We must properly handwash every 30 minutes and additionally, as needed.
- We have EPA-approved hand sanitizer for you as well.
We will enforce physical distancing by limiting the number of:
Team members in our retail space at any one time
We have signage reminding customers to sanitize their hands, wear face coverings, and only touching items they intend to purchase,
We have provided hand sanitizer stations for you and our customers. Please alert us should these need maintenance. Please refill as needed with sanitizer.
We have disposable masks and hand sanitizer for you.
We Provide Additional Training For Every Team Member, Please familiarize yourselves with the above COVID-19 symptoms, when to seek medical attention, how to prevent its spread, and the regular sanitizing that will help prevent its spread at the workplace.
- An infected person can spread COVID-19 to others even if they are not sick.
- Using cloth face covers may prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- CDC guidelines everyone over 2 should use cloth face covers when around other persons.
- Combined with physical distancing and frequent hand washing or sanitizing, they help prevent surrounding people.
- Cloth face covers are not protective equipment and do not protect the person wearing a cloth face cover from COVID-19.
- We all should wash and sanitize hands before and after using face coverings, which should be washed after each shift.
- Cough and sneeze etiquette.
- Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, after interacting with other persons and after contacting shared surfaces or objects, or using disinfectants when handwashing is not available..
- Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoiding sharing personal items with co-workers (i.e., dishes, cups, utensils, towels.
- Providing tissues, no-touch disposal trash cans and hand sanitizer for use by employees.
- Safely using cleaners and disinfectants, which includes:
- The hazards of the cleaners and disinfectants used at the worksite.
- Wearing PPE (such as masks).
- Ensuring cleaners and disinfectants are used in a manner that does not endanger employees.
We always have washing facilities for you:
Please advise us any time you see we may need to re-supply suitable cleansing agents, water, and single-use towels.
Coughing and Sneezing Etiquette

Covering coughs and sneezes and keeping hands clean can help prevent the spread of serious respiratory illnesses like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whooping cough, and COVID-19.
Germs can be easily spread by:
- Coughing, sneezing, or talking
- Touching your face with unwashed hands after touching contaminated surfaces or objects
- Touching surfaces or objects that may be frequently touched by other people
Covering coughs and sneezes and washing hands are especially important for infection control measures in healthcare settings, such as emergency departments, doctor’s offices, and clinics.
To help stop the spread of germs:
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or when one is not available,
- use your ELBOW, not your hands
- Throw used tissues in the trash
Remember to immediately wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to prevent yourself and your loved ones from getting sick, especially at key times when you are likely to get and spread germs.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Whenever soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to clean hands. We have provided these on both counters for you.
For information about preventing the spread of COVID-19, see CDC’s COVID-19: Prevent Getting Sick web page.
To help prevent the spread of respiratory disease, you can also avoid close contact with people who are sick. If you are ill, distance yourself from others so you do not spread your germs. Distancing includes staying home from work or school when possible.
This Training Developed Dircetly from Standards & Guidance given for Retail by the State of California :