<title>Sign of the Bear</title>

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<title>Sign of the Bear</title>

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"welcome to Sign of the Bear, proudly local Sonoma kitchen tools, pots, pans, dinnerware,.... 

<meta name="keywords" content="Sign of the Bear, Sonoma, Cooking store, Sonoma, CA, Kitchen Gadgets Store, Cooks Tools, Kitchen Store, Cooking Pots, Cooking pans, Cooking Tools, bread, toasters, microwaves, pasta, pizza, paella, Le Creuset, Oxo, Wusthof, HammerStahl, Zwilling, Staub, Shun, Charcoal Companion">
<meta name="description" content="Sign of the Bear Kitchenware sells pots, pans, knives, kitchen gadgets, some made in California, a few made in Sonoma and many made in the USA! Their joy of cooking, entertaining, and Sonoma shows in every visit.">

<h1> Everything for the cooks and hosts in your life
Give the Gift of Sign of the Bear Kitchenware
<h2> <h2 class="section-heading">Oxo, Wusthof, Le Creuset, Staub, Shun, shipped from Sonoma, California</h2>
<h2 class= "collection heading" > shop our kitchenware + tools store
<h2 class= "collection heading "> quality kitchen tools
<h2 class= "collection heading "> YETI, HydroFlask and quality outdoor gear
<h2 class= "collection heading "> Bread baking tools, cake pans, 

<h2 class= "collection heading > shop our kitchen tools store

specialty bakeware    specialty pans   kitchen pots  

DIN Neuzeit Grotesk,sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; font-style:normal;">Check out our Instagram Feed</h1><div id="insta-feed"></div></div><div id="shopify-section-1589686238347" class="shopify-section shopify-section--bordered"><section class="Section Section--spacingNormal" data-section-id="1589686238347" data-section-type="shop-the-look"><header class="SectionHeader SectionHeader--center">
<div class="Container"><h3 class="SectionHeader__SubHeading Heading u-h6">Shop</h3><h2 class="SectionHeader__Heading Heading u-h1">Our looks</h2></div>
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<h3>  phone number ;  <h3> Store Hours (in banner   -- )